Sunday, September 12, 2010

Framing in Advertising

    I believe this class has helped me see how the Calvin Klein ads have been framing the image of women today. They show us through their advertisements that all women have to be unnaturally thin in order to be beautiful.
    In our society the Media and Advertisement companies use their resources to portray an image of a person or an object; in a way that they think we should view it. Media framing is a way for advertisers to get people to think a certain way by how they depict images on television commercials or in magazine advertisements. Framing is a way to manipulate individuals into thinking they aren’t good enough simply because they don’t look like the ideal image that is being shown.
    In class when we watched “Killing Us Softly” it really made me think about how advertising companies have this set image for the way women should look. The Calvin Klein Ads are all very thin, super fit, and gorgeous women. Most of their ads usually involve women in swim suits or in a sexy pair of lingerie. They show women with barely any clothes on so they can show off their sexy figures. All their ads show us these women and make us think that we should look like them. They make women think if they aren’t a size zero then they aren’t beautiful, which is entirely untrue.
    I believe that some types of media framing like this one for example can lead to bigger problems such as girls developing eating disorders or getting plastic surgery. The media today doesn’t think about these things all they care about is selling products even if it means degrading the way women see themselves.

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