Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cultivation Theory

I believe that the movie Tough Guise has helped me see how the Cultivation Theory plays out in our society today with men.  It has helped me see how games such as Grand Theft Auto show us that if you’re a guy you should be “tough.”
Cultivation theory is a way the media over time creates an image of what is “reality” in our society today. Cultivation theory suggests that overtime media can change the way we look at things because of how they are shown through advertisement or on television. The media is trying to make us believe that to be a man in our world today you have to portray the image of a so called “tough guy.” They make it seem like to be a man you have to be masculine and violent. Men today have begun to accept this theory because it is shown in all types of advertisement. Most men feel like they have to be buff and work out in order to be considered a man. They don’t want their friends to think that they are less of a man because they aren’t as ripped as they should be.
                In the video game Grand Theft Auto the men in that game are shown as these tough guys who steal cars and beat up people just because they can. They treat women badly and they use them for things they need. In this game the guys can steal cars or kill people simply because they want to. I believe the game supports the cultivation theory in the fact that boys who play this game get the idea that men should be tough guys and then they begin to adopt these beliefs and think it’s normal because it is shown in a game that they love to play.
 I believe that media can change the norm of society by simple over advertising a certain way as they have done with the males in our society today. I think that this type of media can lead to some of the problems we have today with domestic violence against women because men have seen it and they think it’s okay to show women that they are the boss.

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